Industral Workers' Security

Excellent communication in every industry sector

The best communication for best work results.

Companies in industrial sectors and their employees place high demands on their communication equipment. Work in industrial environments is particularly dynamic and people are often on the move between offices, production facilities, warehouses or other outdoor areas. 

Reliable communication is essential to ensure the safety of personnel in emergencies, to provide employees with all relevant information in a timely and efficient manner, and to secure company premises. Reliable availability of all persons involved through open and constantly available communication media enables efficient work and decision-making processes.

HF infrastructures based on DECT, TETRA or GSM technologies offer complete radio coverage on all company premises, whether indoors, outdoors or in safe or potentially explosive areas. A wide range of mobile terminals is available for this purpose, depending on the application. Be it with performance features such as personal security, localisation or additional functions such as guard tours or professional messaging.

With its solutions, Funktel offers the highest availability in communication and personal security throughout the entire factory area and fulfils all the requirements of employees of industrial companies. Of course, the systems are approved according to the guidelines for hazardous individual workplaces and meet the requirements of the statutory accident insurance DGUV Rule 112-139, based on the standard DIN V VDE V 0825-1 (11).
