You can contact our service:
Via phone: +49 (0) 5341 - 2235 - 444
Via eMail: derkundendienst[@]funktel-.-com
For decades customers from various industries have appreciated the reliability and operating safety of personal emergency signal systems manufactured by funktel GmbH.
This trust can be largely attributed to our multiple-stage service concept, which provides security in your on-premises installation as well as the long-term and economical operation of your hardware and software - certified on the basis of DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.
If you decide on an emergency signal system from Funktel, you can also rely on the strengths in our customer service that have made us the market leader: Long-term investment security, personal, competent service, long-lasting hardware and individual adaptation to your current and future requirements.
We provide first aid via a central service number when you need help with a problem quickly (for an operating error, for example) and a direct connection to the service partner closest to you. Our closely woven, full-coverage network of service technicians who are on call 24 hours a day throughout Germany can also deliver optimal technical help directly to you on location. Providing a competent analysis of the situation and troubleshooting is our way to get rid of any specific problem you may have as cost-effectively as possible.
No one knows our equipment as well as we do. As the manufacturer, we are able to guarantee the long-term supply of original parts and components even for older equipment generations and customized products. Thanks to direct contact to development and production, our Service Center is equipped with state-of-the-art technology.
The repair of terminal equipment on behalf of the customer is normally guaranteed within five working days. Thanks to our repair management software, repairs are directly process-integrated. This ensures a high degree of efficiency for you as the user.
Of course, we offer a warranty on the repair of all devices.
Reliability is security: For the repair of our mobile end devices we normally charge you a fixed repair flat rate - in the case of larger systems in particular, this creates a calculable value for controlling the operating costs. The repair of permanently installed components and emergency call centres is charged on a time and material basis.
Up-to- date changes in the production of new equipment are fed directly into the Service Department. If a product goes through our servicing process, the latest software and hardware versions are automatically incorporated- wherever possible.
We ensure that our service staff is well trained and takes part regularly in advanced training courses so that your equipment is always reliably and professionally serviced. Additional special tests, e.g. routine tests for equipment with explosion protection, guarantee the highest standards of protection and operating safety for repaired equipment as well.